P. 16

Some of the City’s more significant statistics, reflective of its economy, have been positive.  Property values
             have increased.

                                         McAllen’s Share of Property Tax Bill

             Hidalgo Dr.  Dist #1     McAllen ISD               So. Tx College So. Tx ISD  City of McAllen
                  $0.1026               $1.1386                   $0.1718   $0.0492      $0.4956

                                                   CURRENT YEAR ISSUES

             This year, we are anticipating that General Fund revenues will increase by 1% over last year’s adjusted
             budget. When compared to the preceding fiscal year FY 18-19, it decreased by 6.6%.  Transfers-in are
             budgeted with a decrease of 43.7%.

             In this year’s budget, expenditures were increased by $1.9M or 1.7% over last year’s adjusted budget. This
             increase in expenditures was adopted while taking into consideration the anticipated revenue increases and
             maintaining  a healthy fund balance.  Refer  to  pages  ix-xxiv  of the Executive Summary  for additional
             information.  *

             During the budget process, several issues were raised:

             Personnel-Related Issues

             Employee Pay Raises
             This year’s budget provides  no  increase  to  city  employee’s  wages/salaries.   In addition to the days
             designated and recognized as official City holidays, the City Commission approved a new floating holiday
             for a total of five (5) floating holidays for all full-time City employees. In addition, the City employee’s
             vacation leave structure was amended according to the years of service.

             Living Wage Issue
             In addition to the City funding skilled-job training to promote higher paying jobs, it has taken the lead in
             setting an example by raising the City minimum wage rate for full-time employees to $12.0819 per hour
             and for part-time employees, $10.1278.

                                                     2020-2021 Budget Message iv
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