The City Secretary is an officer of the City, appointed by the City Council and serves as a member of the City Manager’s Management Team. The City Secretary oversees the City Secretary’s Office, Open Records Division, Vitals Statistics Division, Passport Acceptance Facility and Records Management Office.The City Secretary also serves as the Local Registrar for the City of McAllen residents by proper recordation and filing of birth and death certificates.
The mission of the City Secretary's Office is to support and facilitate the governmental process by:
- Assisting the City Commission in fulfilling its duties and responsibilities;
- Improving public access to municipal records and other information;
- Enhancing public participation in municipal governmental processes;
- Safeguarding the municipal election and records management processes;
- Providing continuity for city government by recording its legislative actions and serving as historian for the City;
- Providing daily assistance to all administrative departments of the City of McAllen government.
City Commission Meetings
The City Secretary’s Office is responsible for the preparation and dissemination of City Commission meeting agendas and packets. The City Secretary must attend every meeting of the City Commission and keep accurate minutes of the proceedings, ordinances and resolutions of the City Council and Conflict Disclosure Statements. The City Secretary’s Office handles all City Commission meeting preparations.

The City Secretary serves as the Chief Election Official for the City of McAllen and is solely responsible for the administration of all elections. The City Secretary provides staff support and guidance during Charter review processes and prepares submissions to the U.S. Department of Justice for pre-clearance of election issues under the Federal Voting Rights Act.
Boards & Commissions
The City Secretary’s Office coordinates the recruitment, application and appointment process for City Council appointed boards, commissions and committees. This office keeps the interested citizens list and the appointed officials and volunteers serving on various committees.
Records Management and Public Information Requests
The City Secretary is the city’s designated records management officer who is responsible for establishing and developing policies and procedures for a records management program for the city, administers the records management program and provides assistance for the purposes of reducing the costs and improving the efficiency of recordkeeping. The City Secretary is also the designated public information coordinator responsible for receiving public information requests and coordinating the responses under the Texas Public Information Act.
In addition to the duties listed above, the City Secretary serves as custodian of the City corporate seal and attests the Mayor’s signature on all official documents; records and files deeds and easements; prepares and maintains records; coordinates the codification of City ordinances into the City Code of Ordinances; publishes all legal ads and notices for the City; maintains all City Commission meeting minutes; posts all legal notices and agendas; develops and oversees the City Secretary Department Budget and serves as Parliamentarian for the City Council.